Jillian Pearring, PhD
Principal Investigator
Postdoctoral Fellow with Vadim Arshavsky, Duke University
PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Louisville
BA in Biology, Boston University
Enjoys going to baseball games, a good cup of coffee and biking to work
Molly Thorson, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Michigan
BS in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Drake University
Enjoys cooking (not baking) and taking extra long walks with her stubborn dog Sunny
Kevin Cruz-Colón
Graduate Student, Neuroscience
BS in Biological Sciences, University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
Enjoys reading comic books and manga, watching movies and going to the beach whenever I have the chance
Ila Ghoshal
Graduate Student, Cell and Developmental Biology
MS in Biology, McGill University
BS in Computer Science and Biology, McGill University
Enjoys running, trying new recipes and traveling
Jack Weiner
Undergraduate Research
Pursuing a BS in Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience
Enjoys making art, rock climbing and listening to music
Andreea Beu
Undergraduate Research
Pursuing a BS in Neuroscience and Spanish
Enjoys exploring new places, playing sports and taking long walks on the beach
Daniel Lee
Undergraduate Research
Pursuing a BS in Neuroscience
Enjoys playing tennis, origami, playing the viola and composing music
Ellie Zhang
Advanced Research Program at Greenhills High School
Enjoys photography, tennis and building legos